Humans are such blissful things.
We love to push and scorn anything that we find fit to be called "sin."
We lust over our own accomplishments, our pure self-righteousness.
Our bodies turn from what we really think and feel and see, only because it is not "favorable." But, to whom? Ourselves? Our peers? Our leaders?
We've been taught backwards, I'd say.
Taught to 'not,' and 'stop' and 'don't.' Instead of, "yes" and "be" and "love."
What's so wrong about love?
Is it sinful to express it for your best companions, with kindness?
Isn't that how it's written we live?
We've taken our own stand.
We've written our own rules.
Going above God to say what is noble.
Supplying grief and shame, just to comfort us in our pride.
Compromising truth and ignorance, to make us feel more worthy than another.
It's shameful.
Embrace for once.